John Lennox—Artificial Intelligence

John Lennox

Professor Emeritus Mathematics, Oxford University

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity

Tuesday, October 3 @ 12:00 noon on Zoom

Response from Professor Craig Gay, Regent College


Dr. Lennox will offer a probing conversation centered on the current and future impact of artificial intelligence technology. He will discuss the current state of AI, its benefits, dangers and future implications. He will explain the current capacity of AI, its advantages and disadvantages, the facts and fiction. Will Artificial Intelligence usher in a new utopia or a surveillance society dystopia? How do we protect our privacy in an age of digitalization of everything and deep machine learning? He authored the book, 2084: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity (Zondervan, 2020).


John Lennox is Emeritus Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford. He is a bioethicist, philosopher, author, and Christian apologist. He has written many highly-regarded books on religion, ethics and the relationship between science and faith, which covers key developments in technological enhancement, bioengineering and AI. Over the past 15 years, Lennox has been part of numerous public debates defending the Christian faith, including debates with Christopher Hitchens, Michael Shermer and Richard Dawkins. He has lectured and given courses to enthusiastic audiences on science and Christian faith around the globe.

Templeton Green College

Questions to Consider:

Are we happy with AI surveillance capitalism?

How does ethics catch up with the speed of technological innovation? What is morally essential to all humans?

What are the implications of moving beyond ‘Narrow’ AI to AGI or Artificial General Intelligence (transhumanism)?

Do we like Yuval Noah Harari’s idea of humans as ‘hackable animals’, with the potential of becoming like gods?

How are we to understand the AI Religion of Neil MacCarthur?

How does utopian ideology operate in the AI space?

What kind of moral capacity is AI ever to have?

Sample of Speed of AI Development