Faith and Literature

In GFCF, we encourage students and faculty to invest in their personal and cultural development while they are building their academic expertise and research skills. Below find great sources to build both inspiration and imagination. Regent Bookstore Manager Bill Reimer is constantly in search of new, exciting, prize-winning literature. The selection  offers a wide-ranging, robust, life-giving service to the whole UBC community.  There is also a great selection of CDs of talks by art, literary and film critics such as Alan Jacobs, Ralph Wood, Leland Ryken,  Iwan Russell-Jones and Jeremy Begbie. And of course you can find many of your favourite C.S. Lewis books. You will be a richer person for visiting the Regent Bookstore at Gate One. Many of our previous UBC talks are also sold there.

Chantal Delsol Icarus Fallen: The Search for Meaning in an Uncertain World. With style and lucidity, Delsol likens contemporary Western man to the mythical figure Icarus, fallen back to earth after trying to reach the sun, alive but badly shaken and confused. During the twentieth, century, Delsol argues, man flew too closely to the sun of utopian ideology. Having been burned, he is now groping for a way to orient himself. But the ideas he once held so dear–inevitable progress, the possibility of limitless social and self-transformation–are no longer believable, and he has, for the most part, long since rejected the religious tradition that might have provided an anchor. Delsol’s portrait is engrossing. She explains how we have come simultaneously to embrace the good but reject the true; how we have sacralized rights and democracy; and how we have lost our sense of the tragic and embraced the idea of zero risk. Already a well-known political thinker in her native France, this is Delsol’s first book to appear in English. Icarus Fallen should establish her as one of the most insightful social and cultural writers working on either side of the Atlantic.

A. Literary Classics:

John Donne. The Complete English Poems.

George Herbert. The Complete English Works.

Gerard Manley Hopkins. The Major Works.

William Shaespeare. The Sonnets.

Flannery O’Connor. Collected Works.

W. H. Auden. The Age of Anxiety.

B. Contemporary Writers:

Frederich Buechner. Speak What We Feel.

Scott Cairns. Love’s Immensity.

Madeleine L’Engle. A Wrinkle in Time.

Luci Shaw. Water & Soul.

Craig Bartholomew (ed.). In the Fields of the Lord.

P.D. James. The Private Patient.

Marilynne Robinson. Gilead.

Fyodor Dostoevski. The Brothers Karamazov.

Blaise Pascal. Pensees

Susan Howatch’s novels including Scandalous Risks.

Rob Alloway’s award winning Babylon Post.

Augustine. Confessions.

Harold Bloom & Jessica Zuba. American Religious Poems.

C. Faith & Culture Critics:

Andy Crouch. Culture Making: recovering our creative calling.

Nicholas Wolterstorff. Art in Action.

Alan Joacobs. Pleasures of Reading.

Hans Rookmaaker. Modern Art & the Death of a Culture.

Laurel Gasque, Art and the Christian Mind: the life and work of Hans Rookmaaker.

Lloyd Baugh. Imaging the Divine: Jesus and Christ Figures in Film.

W. David O. Taylor (ed.). For the Beauty of the Church.

Calvin Seerveld. A Christian Critique of Art & Literature.

Leland Ryken. The Christian Imagination.

Jeremy Begbie. Beholding the Glory (also Resounding Truth).

Many more…

Visual Arts: ArtWay Meditations     Marleen Hengelaar” <> to receive these periodic reflections on your email.

Christians in the Visual Arts  Local consultants are Laurel Gasque & Dal Schindel. Also see Rob Des Cotes at A Rocha and his Imago Project.

Christian DramaPacific Theatre Vancovuer for regular shows

Gerard Manley Hopkins, (poet in bronze), 2005....

Gerard Manley Hopkins, (poet in bronze), 2005. Slightly larger than life-size. Regis University, Denver, Colorado. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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